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Component Options For A Lawn Sprinkler System

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If you are ready to install a lawn irrigation system, then you need to learn about some of the components that make up the system.

Pipe Concerns

The pipes are the biggest component of any irrigation system. A single leak not only compromises the system and can cause your lawn to dry out and die, but it will also cost you a lot of money in wasted water. There are a variety of pipe options, including plastic and metal. In modern systems PVC, a type of polyvinyl plastic, is the most often used because it doesn't rust or corrode, and it's exceedingly durable. Opt for the highest quality of PVC available.

Further, make sure that the pipe installation is at the proper depth. One issue that can plague a sprinkler system is frost heave. The sprinkler pipes must be installed below the frost line, otherwise, they can be pushed out of the soil when it freezes. Even durable pipes can spring leaks or even break if frost heave affects them. In cold areas, it also makes sense to use black roll PVC pipes instead of the standard rigid PVC. This is because a black roll pipe is flexible, which allows it to expand when frozen, thus making breaks less likely.

Emitter Selection

There are a variety of emitter types. Rotary emitters spray high and far, allowing greater coverage with fewer emitters. These are only suitable for large expanses of open lawn. It's also best to use them only if you have high water pressure and not a lot of wind, otherwise, the coverage won't be as good as desired.

Fan spray heads are more common in home lawns, especially when there are small or odd-shaped areas to water. These emitters spray low to the ground, so less water is lost to wind and evaporation as well. Drip and bubbler emitters are another option with minimal water loss, but they are really only suitable for bushes, trees, and garden beds. When choosing emitters, opt for the highest quality in your budget.

Control System

The brains of your entire irrigation setup is the control system, so invest in a quality one that should serve for many years. At a bare minimum, the control system must be sized to fit your sprinkler layout so you can set up individual watering zones. This is important because some areas, such as those with sun exposure, require more water than others. The system should also be able to be set on an automatic timer.

Extra features may also be desirable. For example, smart systems can be controlled via an app or computer. They may also come with sensors so that the sprinklers only run if the ground moisture is low.

Contact a lawn sprinkler system installation service near you for more help with designing your irrigation setup.
